More than a newsletter: Since 2012 The Daily Bell has been a tool for self care in just moments a day

The Daily Bell

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The free Daily Bell email reminds  15,000 people worldwide to be mindful and also brings usable insights from psychology and other aids to living.  The main thought in each Daily Bell is just a paragraph long. For many readers over the years it has become a valuable tool for self-care.

The Daily Bell goes out by email every morning or evening (depending on where in the world you are).

It’s designed to be useful to you whether your life is very busy or not so busy.

When you sign up you will also receive my “30 Mindfulness Tips – ways to return your attention to the moments of your life.”

Click here to see sample Daily Bells.

mindfulness news & tips

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Recent Daily Bells

“Be mindful today of choices, including the choice to do nothing. You don’t have to rise to every challenge the day presents.”
Padraig O’Morain

“Note that an individual thought does not last long. It is impermanent. If it comes, it will go. Be aware of this.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living.

“Hardly anything happens without the mind spinning it up into an elaborate production. It’s the elaboration that makes life more difficult than it needs to be.”
Sylvia Boorstein – Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There

The Daily Bell Testimonials

“Just want to say that I’m loving the daily mindfulness reminders. Thank you.”

“I appreciate your reminders so much, they help me to focus my crowded and racing mind.  Thank you!”

“I would just like to say thank you for the daily mindfulness.  I look forward to reading them, they put me in a good place.”

“Really appreciate these daily emails. I’m studying for exams at the moment and the mindfulness reminders really help.”

“I’m really enjoying this daily input, and finding it useful. Thanks a lot!”

“Thanks Padraig, just what I needed today.”

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Mindfulness Newsletter

A stream of mindfulness resources

My free mindfulness newsletter, which goes out by email once or twice a month, will help you to maintain your mindfulness practice by bringing you new ways to integrate mindfulness into your life, news of mindfulness resources and notice of forthcoming courses.

Some topics covered in previous newsletters:

  • Re-focusing on the present
  • Small joys and little happinesses
  • Thinking mind, observing mind
  • Out-breath and thought-labelling
  • Cues for mindfulness practice
  • The struggle switch