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Here’s a trick for dealing with that inner critic that gives so many of us so hard a time. Turn the criticism into a fish! Stand on the edge of the pond and watch the fish swimming around. Maybe imagine the criticism written along the side of the fish.
For instance, one of my persistent self-criticisms about my career in journalism is ‘You didn’t do well enough.’ If I imagine a fish swimming around with ‘You didn’t do well enough’ printed on the side, I feel like laughing. I don’t know why – it’s just funny.
This can work for other irrational thoughts too. I have an irrational belief that everything in life is a test. If I imagine a fish swimming along with ‘It’s a test’ printing on its side, I immediately start to smile at the ridiculousness of it. It gets even funnier if I imagine a second fish following with the slogan ‘Hint: You’re going to fail.’
The inner critic gives too many good people too hard a time: let’s take it less seriously.
My True Friend self compassion online course can help you to put the inner critic in its place. Payment is by donation so it’s affordable to all. More than 2,500 people have done this course. More information
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